MacroCallback Delegate

From DiceRoller Documentation

Encapsulates a method which executes macro logic.

  • Namespace: Dice
  • Assembly: DiceRoller (in DiceRoller.dll)


public delegate void MacroCallback(
    MacroContext context


Type: Dice.MacroContext
Macro context, to be filled in by the delegate.


The MacroCallback delegate is used alongside RollerConfig.ExecuteMacro. The delegate can gain insight into the context of the macro call by examining the passed-in context object, and it must also modify the context object's Value. If no delegate in the chain modifies the context's Value, a DiceException is thrown with DiceErrorCode.InvalidMacro.

If the context's Values is left empty, a new Literal die will be added equivalent to the context's Value. It will be marked with DieFlags.Macro. It is recommended that any DieResults added to Values by a macro are marked with DieFlags.Macro, but this is not a requirement.