< Dice‎ | PbP‎ | RollPost

RollPost.PostMacros Method (MacroContext)

From DiceRoller Documentation

Executes PbP-specific macros, which are documented on in the dice reference.

  • Namespace: Dice.PbP
  • Assembly: DiceRoller (in DiceRoller.dll)


private void PostMacros(
    MacroContext context


Type: Dice.MacroContext
Macro context


This callback is added to the RollerConfig.ExecuteMacro chain whenever a dice expression needs to be evaluated as part of AddRoll(). It is removed from the chain after the expression has been evaluated, so that future rolls using normal Roller.Roll() do not make use of the PbP-specific macros.

When called, it calls one of the PbP-specific macro functions based on the text before the first colon in the macro param, case insensitive.