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RollPost.Serialize Method (Stream)

From DiceRoller Documentation

Serializes a RollPost, for saving to the database.

  • Namespace: Dice.PbP
  • Assembly: DiceRoller (in DiceRoller.dll)


public void Serialize(
    Stream serializationStream


Type: System.IO.Stream
The stream to write serialized data to.


This method should be used whenever serializing a RollPost for persistent storage. It will serialize Pristine and Stored, but leave Current empty (note that Current is written into Stored when Validate() is called).

As a result of this, Validate() must be called on a RollPost before Serialize is called, or else it will not serialize anything (or will serialize old data).

See Also

The RollPost class documentation contains an example using Serialize() to store data into a database.