Roller Class

From DiceRoller Documentation

Provides a Roll method to perform dice rolls.

  • Namespace: Dice
  • Assembly: DiceRoller (in DiceRoller.dll)

Inheritance Hierarchy




public static class Roller


Name Description
S Roller() Static constructor which initializes DefaultConfig.


Name Description
S DefaultConfig Gets or sets the default roller configuration.


Name Description
S Average(String) Evaluates the string expression, using the default configuration and fixing all dice to their average value.
S Average(String, RollerConfig) Evaluates the string expression, using the specified configuration and fixing all dice to their average value.
S Average(String, RollerConfig, RollData) Evaluates the string expression, using the specified configuration and RollData and fixing all dice to their average value.
S Parse(String, RollerConfig) Parses the diceExpr into an AST without evaluating it.
S Max(String) Evaluates the string expression, using the default configuration and fixing all dice to their maximum value.
S Max(String, RollerConfig) Evaluates the string expression, using the specified configuration and fixing all dice to their maximum value.
S Max(String, RollerConfig, RollData) Evaluates the string expression, using the specified configuration and RollData and fixing all dice to their maximum value.
S Min(String) Evaluates the string expression, using the default configuration and fixing all dice to their minimum value.
S Min(String, RollerConfig) Evaluates the string expression, using the specified configuration and fixing all dice to their minimum value.
S Min(String, RollerConfig, RollData) Evaluates the string expression, using the specified configuration and RollData and fixing all dice to their minimum value.
S Roll(String) Rolls dice according to the string expression, using the default configuration.
S Roll(String, RollerConfig) Rolls dice according to the string expression and configuration.
S Roll(String, RollerConfig, RollData) Rolls dice according to the string expression and configuration and with the given RollData.
S Roll(DiceAST, RollerConfig) Evaluates the root of the tree, returning the RollResult.


The Roller class is the main entry point to the library, and allows you to roll dice according to a given dice expression. To customize various aspects of a roll, a configuration can be passed in.

Thread Safety

The DefaultConfig property is not thread safe. Calling Roll with a null RollerConfig will make use of the DefaultConfig property. To be thread safe, call Roll with a RollerConfig that was created just for that thread.