< Dice‎ | Roller

Roller.Roll Method (String, RollerConfig, RollData)

From DiceRoller Documentation

Rolls dice according to the given dice expression and with the given RollData. Please see Dice Reference for more information about dice expressions.

  • Namespace: Dice
  • Assembly: DiceRoller (in DiceRoller.dll)


public static RollResult Roll(
    string diceExpr,
    RollerConfig config,
    RollData data


Type: System.String
A dice expression.
Type: Dice.RollerConfig
Configuration to use for this roll. If null, the DefaultConfig will be used.
Type: Dice.RollData
Additional data that is scoped to this roll.

Return value

Type: Dice.RollResult

The result of rolling diceExpr.


Exception Condition
ArgumentNullException diceExpr is null.
DiceException An error was detected with diceExpr.

When a DiceException is thrown, the exception will contain an ErrorCode property which describes the error in more detail.